But I've been reminded this week that in order to see the true light we must be aware of the darkness-in others, in our communities, and most of all in ourselves. While the world tells us that this is bad news, the gospel tells us quite the opposite. The gospel tells us that recognizing this darkness is the beginning of the good news, news that says that the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. And the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the ultimate witness that the God's light in the darkness will never fade away.
Sawyerville Day Camp is a witness to this gospel truth. Every year God calls a new community together in Hale County. As this new community begins to form, there are road bumps and detours. Learning how to live with one another is not easy especially if you are used to living a certain way the other 51 weeks of the year.
Even more, when the world I am used to living in clashes with the reality of many in Hale County who live in poverty, I become painfully aware of the darkness in this world. Not only am I aware of the darkness of poverty, but I am also made aware my own darkness and my own contribution to a broken world. However, there is good news. God is giving us a way to live in the darkness until that day when perpetual light shines upon us.
At first the good news can be hard to see, but as the week moves along and the community grows more in confident in God's loving and abiding presence some amazing things happen. Suddenly the darkness doesn't seem so overwhelming. Suddenly what seemed impossible at the beginning of the week (i.e. swimming) is possible. Suddenly the darkness seems weak compared to the light of Christ.
Yes, darkness is all around. We cannot and should not minimize this reality. However, there is a more powerful force at work in this world. There is a reality in this world that cannot be overstated, one that says we can walk in the darkness no matter how terrifying. There is a light that will lead us and guide us into all truth. May we have the grace to be a witness to this light. May people everywhere find hope in a world that God is making known through his Son Jesus Christ who is the light of the world. .
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