Advent 4, Year A, 2013, All Saints’ (Matthew 1:18-25)
What is your favorite
Christmas movie? I imagine you have
several. I asked this same question to
all my Facebook friends last week and what I discovered was really
fascinating. I found out that people are
really invested in their Christmas movies, people would fight over their
favorite movies. It was unreal. I must have received close to 100
responses. I even heard from people who
I haven’t seen or talked to in years.
I also learned that I
haven’t even watched a quarter of the Christmas movies out there such as Ernest
Saves Christmas (don’t plan on seeing that one), Joyeux Noel, the 1964 edition
of Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer. And
who knew that Die Hard with Bruce Willis was a Christmas movie?
Of course the classics
were all mentioned, White Christmas, It’s a Wonderful Life, A Christmas Story,
Charlie Brown’s Christmas. Some romantic
comedies were named, The Family Stone and Love Actually. And my personal favorites all received a lot
of mention, Home Alone, Elf, and Christmas Vacation.
I believe one of the
reasons why we love our Christmas movies so much is because on some level they
speak so much to our own experience with Christmas. We all know what it is like for the Christmas
season to fall short of expectations and none of these moves describe the “perfect”
Christmas. All of these stories name the
disappointments, failures, and let downs of the Christmas season.
Rudolph got made fun of
because he looked different. Little “Ralphie”
Parker gets hit in the face with a snowball.
Kevin McAllister, an 8 year old boy, got left home alone for
Christmas. I imagine none of you were
left home alone for Christmas, but I think many of you know what it is like to
feel alone during the holidays. Liam
Neeson’s character Daniel grieves the loss of his wife. And for Clark Griswold, everything that could
go wrong goes wrong.
However, these Christmas
stories don’t end with the disappointments.
Something unexpected happens. Joy
is experienced in the most ordinary places like at a Chinese restaurant on
Christmas morning. And in order for
Clark Griswold to get his Christmas vacation cousin Eddie has to kidnap somebody,
something scandalous has to happen.
In other words, joy and
hope are born out of the unexpected, out of the ordinary, and even out of the scandalous. This sounds a lot like another Christmas
story we know, doesn’t it? It sounds
like it because that other story is the first Christmas story, it is THE
Christmas story.
What is Joseph’s
story? We know that Joseph is a
descendant of Abraham and David as the writer of Matthew spills a lot of ink
tracing his genealogy (check out Matthew 1:1-17). For the readers of Matthew, it is critical
that Jesus follow the line of Abraham to David to Joseph in order to fulfill
what scripture says how the world will receive its Messiah. But there is a problem.
As we learn from today’s
story, Joseph isn’t Jesus’ biological father.
The child was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit. Disaster is averted because the angel tells
Joseph to name the child Jesus. And
because Joseph names the child he is legally the father.
There is another
peculiarity with the genealogy of Jesus.
Four women are listed. Typically,
only the man’s name is used. For
example, verse 6 says, “And David was the father of Solomon by the wife of
Uriah (who is Bathsheba).” This is
important because it gives us a clue into what God is up to here. If you remember, King David had Bathsheba’s husband,
Uriah the Hittite, killed so he could be with her. Subsequently, David and Bathsheba gave birth
to Solomon who continued the Messianic line.
The mention of Bathsheba
should tip the readers off that God is in the business of making good out of
the most unlikely of circumstances. This
is our first clue as to how God is introducing the Messiah into the world. This is our first clue that God is executing
His plan of rescue for the world outside of the safety of social norms or
Joseph is a man who is
accustomed to operating within the boundaries of social norms and structures. Scripture says he is a righteous man. He knew that he would not be able to conceive
a child with his wife until marriage.
And so this righteous man is faced with a dilemma when he learns that
his betrothed is expecting a child without his knowledge.
Quietly divorcing Mary,
in Joseph’s estimation, is his best option.
He wants to do this quietly to try and protect Mary from public disgrace. In other words, Joseph doesn’t air his
family’s dirty laundry on the Jerry Springer show. He is a righteous man and respects the
dignity of other human beings.
So here we are at the
critical point of the story—the moment of decision. Will Joseph stick with social law and
norms? Will he carry on his plan to
dismiss Mary quietly and avoid social humiliation? Or will he listen to the call of God to go
against the grain and remain committed to Mary?
For those who know the
story of God, it comes as no surprise that Joseph remains committed to Mary
because when God says something is going to happen in scripture it happens—it might
take a detour, it might take awhile—but it always happens. Joseph goes against the grain because God asks
him to. God’s Word is the most important
word in Joseph’s life.
This is the beginning of
the greatest story ever told not only because of what Joseph did but because of
what God did. God intervenes into our
world in an unpredictable and unexpected way.
In this case, God makes Himself known through a social scandal. The story of Christmas begins with a scandal—Joseph
marries a woman who is pregnant outside of bonds of marriage. The story of Christmas begins unexpectedly in
a manger in Bethlehem and the story starts with two ordinary, yet incredibly
faithful people—Mary and Joseph.
The story of Christmas
was lived out in a small way last Saturday.
About 60 children whose parents are incarcerated gathered for a
party. Some of these children are lucky
enough to live with family members.
Others live in foster care programs.
Needless to say, these are not who we would typically invite to a
holiday party. But those children and
our children played together. They made
cookies together. They sat on Santa’s
lap together. They heard the story of
Christmas together.
For those two hours the
hope of Christmas was visible in the world today. It wasn’t a big fancy party but it was thrown
with great love. Small children,
including my own child, were terrified of Santa Claus but at least we got a
free picture! Children interrupted the
Christmas story again and again but the Christmas story was still told and
heard. None of it was perfect by human
standards but God made it perfect through the love of Jesus who was born in an
ordinary, unexpected, and even scandalous way.
The Gospel lesson for
today and the season of Advent tune our hearts to be ready to receive our Savoir
when he breaks into our lives in unpredictable ways. I will remember this Advent for how God
intervened in my life in an unexpected way.
A day after Thanksgiving my grandfather had a massive stroke and
eventually was released to hospice care and died this past Wednesday.
We have a big family so
all of my aunts were here to hold vigil in his last days. I was able to get to know my aunts in a way I
never have before. I will be forever
grateful for that opportunity for many reasons.
Above all, it was a reminder that God takes even the bleakest of
circumstances and gives us hope and joy.
I wonder how God is giving you hope in the most unexpected places?
I don’t think I would
have seen the incarnation of God’s love in Christ at the Angel Tree Party or in
the days leading up to my grandfather’s death if I was looking for joy and hope
in the big and fancy, if I was looking for joy and hope in the perfect and
pristine. God’s love is about breaking
into the messiness of our lives so that we may see the wonders of his love.
The season of Advent
calls us to look for God not in the grandiose and ostentatious, but in the
ordinary, in the unexpected, and even the scandalous. Finding God in this way may be surprising
hear but God’s story of grace and love is surprising. Today, God surprises us again and tells
Joseph to take Mary as his bride even though the Jewish law forbids it. And as the story goes on the surprises only
get better and better. Amen.